uuuueeeeeeeeehhhhhh.... auuuuuuueee.. heh cough* oh Hi there! I was just trying out overtone singing. yeah is fun lol. I find this vocal sound rather intriguing at the same time unusually entertaining.. Khusugtun Overtone Singer This singing technique is believed to have originated from Mongolia, dated back in the period of Genghis Khan. Traditional art of Mongolian overtone throat singing is often coupled with the sound of horse head fiddle. The Mongolians refer this throat singing technique as hoomii or khoomii. By dexterously controlling the lips muscles, larynx, pharynx and the air flow (pressure), one is capable of producing harmonic partials. Simply put it as they can produce two different notes simultaneously. Is something like a bagpipe or hulusi, a sustaining sound of a drone accompanied by the sound of a chanter.
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