Hey Spidey Can you sense it? Can you sense my happiness? Just a few days back my blog got approved by Google Adsense. Have been blogging hard for the past few months for this day to come (And of course I will continue to do so. :D) For those applicants living in Asian countries such as Singapore would probably understand how I felt waiting anxiously for our accounts to be approved because of the irritating 6 months rule that was implemented by Google adsense few years back. If you got your Adsense account before they implement this rule Lucky for you. Now if you are applying Adsense from India, China, Singapore or some other parts of Asia, your running/active site must clock a certain domain age in order to get in. Although is stated clearly in their site that 6 months is the minimum required criteria. However if your website has high traffic is still plausible to get your account approved in less than 6 months. I got approved in slightly less than 6 months. What I want to