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Showing posts from April, 2013

Google Plus + Comments on Blogger Yeah or Ney?

Apart from the revenue you make online.. the most rewarding part of blogging is when your readers comment on your blog. It indicates that people are reading your blog seriously and they would like to engage with you. Google has recently launched a new comment system which was just only yesterday... Now we can integrate Google+ comments to our Blogspot blogs comments.. Yeah...  or Nay?

What is SEO? The really basic definition

I've been talking about SEO on my blog for quite a long time but some are still unsure of what SEO exactly is about.. So for the benefits of those beginners who wants to know more about web page ranking or want to gain more traffics to your blog/site. This is something that you will want to know. The word "SEO" is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization .   First let's breakup the words into two segments and understand what each of them means.

Bill Gates Is Giving You $5,000 Share this Photo on Facebook

Hey Durians! good stuff! I am sharing this with your because you deserve it! Bill Gates is giving out $5,000 to you if you shared this picture on your facebook! As some of you may know, I'm Bill Gates. If you click that share link, I will give you $5,000. Hold your horses!! People! How about reading and sharing the next picture instead!

Ok Google! Google Nose Beta actually works!

Google Nose Beta Google is testing out their new projects! And is now live on Google~ Check out the latest  smell search engine !

Get your free SAFRA Membership Card and NS45 voucher

If you have not seen my previous post A mysterious letter from Singapore Government? What can it be? You should go take a look at it before reading this.. The answer/walk through of the mini game will be revealed at the bottom section of this post.